Food • 

Here is my ideal January soup. It’s the one I come back to, again and again, in the blur of my post-holiday malaise when my body craves fresh and wholesome things, but my heart dwells on the richness of…


  • Life • 

    December 5, 2012: My 25th birthday. A and I spread an old comforter on the grass in Alamo Square park and stretch our bodies into the waning sunlight. We feel the gentle crunch of fallen leaves underneath us as we lay down, padded by the layer of polyester fill and…

  • Books • 

    I’m always surprised by how much certain books shape my memories. For instance, I cannot imagine my family trip to France this year without The Ensemble by Aja Gabel. It’s as if the four main characters ate croissants by the fountain in The Tuileries and watched the sun set over…

  • Life • 

    My daughter has just learned the word, twinkle. She whispers Twinkle Twinkle Little Star in my ear at night, when I carry her upstairs to her bath, pleased with herself that she knows all the lyrics. On our way to preschool, I put on one of my favorite songs by…


I ask big questions and complain about how the laundry is never finished. Sometimes in the same sentence. Welcome.

I’m Renae. I’m a writer, a mom, and above all, an observer. I like to pause on the things that move me, to dwell on my experiences. Even the hard ones. Especially the hard ones.

More Articles
  • Life • 

    Here’s something obvious: transitions are difficult. Here’s something that’s been less obvious to me until recently: I am terrible at dealing with them. Other people, I notice, are okay to talk about their in-betweens, their messier moments, their reorganization projects and bad hair days and photos from middle school. Sharing…

  • Life • 

    I’m not interested in sharing a highlights reel this time. There are always highlights, magic to be found even in the most prosaic of moments. Eating well, for instance, is a guaranteed way to find the sacred in the mundane more often. But roses don’t separate from their thorns as…

  • Life • 

    This time last week, I was drinking my coffee on a bench in Domino Park, watching the blue-green East River lap the foundation of the Williamsburg Bridge and fully crying in public (and making a failed-but-concentrated attempt to stop myself). I did what I came to New York to do:…

  • Life • 

    “You could make a real home here,” people have said to us. They’re right. It’s peaceful here: neighbors with kind faces who actually drive the residential speed limit on our street, citrus trees and a planter full of basil and parsley in our backyard that we have somehow managed to keep…

  • Travel • 

    How was Italy? Well, reader. All the things. All the things you’ve already heard about Italy. The architecture! The art! The carbs! Italy captures people. I can see, now having been there, how one can leave drunk and high off of the physical and edible beauty. It’s dazzling, honestly. And…

  • Life • 

    If you’re going to have a fear of failure, you’re just never going to learn how to cook. Because cooking is lots of it, one failure after another. And that’s how you finally learn. Julia Child understood something about cooking, and life, that made all her endeavors seem effortless—even though,…

  • Life • 

    Oh, hey. It’s been a minute, reader. The reason for my absence is about what you’d think. Work, travel, work, work, lots of good and much-needed visits from family and friends, more work, etc. But here’s something else true. Writing, after a long period of not writing, is like catching…

  • Food • 

    Happy Saturday, reader. This morning, I remembered a conversation I had with a friend recently. He told me about something called Paris Syndrome. It’s not a croissant addiction. (I know. You’re surprised too, right?) It’s an extreme case of shock resulting from an individual’s finding out that Paris is not, indeed, what…

  • Life • 

    Hello, long lost reader. I looked at my last post and realized that it has been almost a full month since I’ve written here. I could blame the usual suspects—too much work, too little sleep, a muse like a fair-weather friend who only comes around when it suits her needs….